Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sometimes that feeling creeps back. And that feeling is stronger than any bad memory we ever created together. I feel that same nostalgia, where my heart feels warm and content and alone all at once. And I miss you.
I always have to take control of myself before I let that feeling consume me. Because even now, the pain can still seep in. I loved you. Like a revolution. Like few could understand. But you loved me back just as much. And to describe it this way is not to exaggerate.

We were not meant to be in love though. We were not created to love each other like that. When we left each other we both cried, knowing it was the best thing that we could do for the other one. And you told me, never half-step. And for you, I never wanted to. You made me feel like I could do everything and nothing all at once.
I am glad that I have forgave you. I am glad that I have forgiven myself. I hope you have forgiven me. And maybe in another life we can try this little dance out again.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I have goals and dreams and plans to go somewhere in this life. I hope you do too...
Life is beautiful. Never doubt that.
Note to self: read over second part from time to time. Seriously.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"I wanna live life and never be cruel. I wanna live life and be good to you. And I wanna fly and never come down. And live my life and have friends around."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I hate it when the truth comes to you and smacks you upside the head, even when you really just want to turn the other cheek into a pseudo oblivion.

Monday, March 7, 2011

I'm ready for Spring to engulf me and sweep me away into summer. <3

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sometimes, in very rare and random instances, I feel like I have truly found what I encompass within myself and can relate what I possess with tangible material items or ideas. It's at these moments that I feel content and whole and as though I am meant to be. And it is at these moments that I feel like I have truly uncovered myself and I feel it is all worthwhile. Before I die, I hope that these moments come more often and with more fluidity.