you see most of his friends have ramps in their backyards and some of them even live in a house with just their girlfriend. Okay so honestly, if I have a house the backyard is gonna be for my kids to play in, not my husband and his friends. Sorry!
And this may be a little narcissistic, but I don't think so...cuz I want the spotlight on me and my boyfriend, or lover or even husband...not just on him. This is a two man show, not a one man show. Fuck that shit. And the other day he had the audacity to tell me, "Oh well, maybe one weekend I'll spend with you and the next I'll ride my bike." "Oh yeah cool idea babe. Yeah for sure!....NOT!" So in the past five days, Sunday Monday and Wednesday he worked. and Tuesday and today...or Thursday, he was off and guess where he was.... yep you got it.... Riding his fucking bike. And he's probably....working Friday. But oh hooray he reserved Saturday for me. As you can tell this shit is starting to get on my goddamn nerves. I don't know.... I'm not no back burner shit. And I deserve someone that cares about me and what I want outta of the relationship not just him. Like he comes over to fucking do his homework and sleep. And don't get me wrong I am so happy he's back in school. But fuck, come on now dude! I'm here too. And then he'll say, "Baby, but I see you everyday!" And I'm like, "NO NIGGA! I see your ass everyday!!! Dragging your fucking body around cuz your tired from riding your bike er hanging out all day, and sometimes the legitimate reason of work.Or fucking just falling asleep!" I see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Fuck, so guess what now, I don't even know if I wanna see you on Saturday!
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